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彭桓武科教合作中心量子论坛第三百零六讲:Advantages of Bosonic mode in quantum metrology


报告题目:Advantages of Bosonic mode in quantum metrology

报  告 人:邹长铃 教授(国家优青),中国科学技术大学





In the past decades, great progress has been achieved in the quantum control of bosonic mode with superconducting quantum circuits. One potential application of the bosonic mode is quantum metrology, which utilizes the advantage of the large Hilbert space of the bosonic mode to enhance the precision of sensing. In this talk, I will introduce our recent work on quantum-enhanced sensing with a single bosonic mode. On one hand, by preparing the maximum variance states and Fock states, we approached the Heisenberg limit of phase measurement. On the other hand, we demonstrated the enhanced sensitivity of radiometry via quantum error correction.


1. W. Wang#, Y. Wu#, Y. Ma, W. Cai, L. Hu, X. Mu, Y. Xu, Zi-Jie Chen, H. Wang, Y. P. Song, H. Yuan*, C.-L. Zou*, L.-M. Duan*, and L. Sun*. Heisenberg-limited single-mode quantum metrology in a superconducting circuit. Nature Communications 10, 4382 (2019)

2. W. Wang#, Z.-J. Chen#, X. Liu#, W. Cai, Y. Ma, X. Mu, L. Hu, Y. Xu, H. Wang, Y. P. Song, X. -B. Zou, C. -L. Zou*, L. Sun*. Quantum-enhanced radiometry via approximate quantum error correction. Nature Communications 13, 3214 (2022)

3. X. Deng#, S. Li#, Z.-J. Chen#, Z. Ni, Y. Cai, J. Mai, L. Zhang, P. Zheng, H. Yu, C.-L. Zou*, S. Liu, F. Yan*, Y. Xu*, D. Yu*. Heisenberg-limited quantum metrology using 100-photon Fock states. arXiv:2306.12622 (2023)

