欧阳钢 教授



欧阳钢,博士,教授(二级),博士生导师,新加坡千禧基金(Singapore Millennium Foundation)学者,从事光电材料与器件的理论与计算研究,在Chem. Rev.,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,Nano Lett.,Light Sci-Appl., ACS Photonics, Appl. Surf. Sci.,Appl. Phys. Lett., Phys. Rev. B,New J. Phys.,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.等期刊发表学术论文130余篇,入选“有突出贡献中青年专家”,湖南省121创新人才培养工程第一层次人选等。

Email: gangouy@hunnu.edu.cn






[1]国家自然科学区域联合基金重点项目课题(U2001215, 2021-2024)



[4]国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目(11681240381, 2016)

[5] 国家自然科学基金面上项目(11174076, 2012-2015)

[6] 国家自然科学基金青年项目(10804030, 2009-2011)

[7] 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目(10747129, 2008-2008)

[8] 国家自然科学基金重大研究计划重点项目课题(91233203,2013-2016)

[9]湖南省杰出青年基金项目(12JJ1009, 2012-2014)

[10]教育部科学技术研究重点项目(209088, 2009-2012)


[47]B. Cai, J. N. Tan, L.Zhang, D. G. Xu, J. S. Dong, G. Ouyang*, UltrafastInterfacialChargeTransferand SuperiorPhotoelectricConversionProperties inOne-Dimensional Janus-MoSSe/WSe2van der WaalsHeterostructures,Phys. Rev. B108, (2023) 045416.

[46]D. G. Xu, B. Cai, J. N. Tan, G. Ouyang*,Tailoring theAnisotropicEffect of Janus In2XY (X/Y = S, Se, Te)MonolayersTowardRealizingMultifunctionalOptoelectronicDeviceApplications,New J. Phys.25, (2023) 083013.

[45]C. K. Tang, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*,Cross-PlaneTransport inCyclo[18]carbon-Based MolecularDevices,Appl. Phys. Lett.122, (2023) 044101.

[44]J. N. Tan, H. M. Hu, B. Cai, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*, Instability of theMagneticState ofMPX3(M=Mn, Ni;X=S, Se)Monolayers Induced byStrain andDoping,Phys. Rev. B106, (2022) 195424.

[43]L. Zhang#, H. M. Hu#, Y. H. Zhou, J. S. Miao*, G. Ouyang*, X. L. Chen*,Robust andEnhancedShort-WaveNear-InfraredLightEmission inPhosphorene throughPhoton-ActivatedOxidation,ACS Photonics9, (2022) 3935-3942..

[42]H. M. Hu, G. Ouyang*,Interface Induced Transition fromSchottky-to-OhmicContacts inSingle-WalledCarbonNanotube-Basedvan der Waals SchottkyHeterostructures,Materials Today Nano20, (2022) 100267.

[41]Y. H. Zhou#, K. Y. He#, H. M. Hu#, G. Ouyang#,...T. H. Wang*, W.Huang, L. Wang*, X. L. Chen*,StrongNeelOrdering andLuminescenceCorrelation inA Two-DimensionalAntiferromagnet,Laser & Photonics Reviews16, (2022) 2100431.

[40]Q. J. Ye#,D. G. Xu#,B. Cai#,...,J. D. Yao*,G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang,High-PerformanceHierarchical O-SnS/I-ZnIn2S4Photodetectors byLeveraging the Synergy ofOpticalRegulation andBandTailoring,Materials Horizons9, (2022) 2364-2375.

[39]J. S. Dong, Y. P. Zhao, G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang*,APerspective onOptimizingPhotoelectricConversionProcess in 2DTransition-MetalDichalcogenides andRelatedHeterostructures,Appl. Phys. Lett.120, (2022) 080501.

[38] B. Cai, Y. P. Zhao, D. G. Xu, G. Ouyang*,OptimizedPhotoelectricConversionProperties of PbSxSe1-x-QD/MoS2-NT 0D-1DMixed-DimensionalVanDer WaalsHeterostructures,New J.Phys.24, (2022) 063012.

[37] H. Li*, X. Hu, G. Ouyang, Orientation-Dependent Crossover from Retro to Specular Andreev Reflections in Semi-Dirac Materials,New J.Phys.24, (2022) 053049.

[36] L. Hou, H. M. Hu, G. W. Yang, G. Ouyang*, Giant Switching Effect and Spintronic Transport Properties in Cyclo[18]carbon-Based Molecular Devices,Phys. Status Solidi-RRL15, (2021) 2000582.

[35] B. Cai, Y. P. Zhao, Z. Zhang, G. Ouyang*,InterfacialChargeTransfer andPhotovoltaicProperties in C60/MoS20D-2D van der WaalsHeterostructures,Phys. Status Solidi-RRL15,(2021) 2100311.

[34] D. G. Xu, L. Hou, J. S. Dong, H. M. Hu, G. Ouyang*,TwistEffect on theElectronic andTransportProperties ofOne-DimensionalHelicalCarbyneChains,Phys. Status Solidi-RRL15, (2021) 2100390.

[33]H. M. Hu, G. Ouyang*,First-PrinciplesCalculations of InterfaceEngineering for 2D α-In2Se3-based van der WaalsMultiferroicHeterojunctions,Appl.Surf.Sci.545, (2021) 149024.

(Featured online onAdvances in Engineering,https://advanceseng.com/)

[32]J. S. Dong, H. M. Hu, H. Li, G. Ouyang*,SpontaneousFlexoelectricity andBandEngineering in MS2(M=Mo, W)Nanotubes,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.23, (2021)20574-20582.

[31]H. M. Hu, G. Ouyang*, Interface-Induced Transition from Schottky-to-Ohmic Contact in Sc2CO2-based Multiferroic Heterojunctions,Phys.Chem.Chem.Phys.23,(2021)827-833.

[30] H. G. Xie#, C. Liu#, H. M. Hu#, ... , J. R. Zhang*, G. Ouyang*, L. Wang*, Evolutional Photoluminescence Property in Ultraviolet-Ozone-Treated Monolayer MoS2,Appl.Surf.Sci.545, (2021) 148809.

[29]X. R. Zong#, H. M. Hu#, G. Ouyang#,...,T. H.Wang*, L. Wang*, X. L. Chen*, BlackPhosphorus-Based van der WaalsHeterostructures forMid-InfraredLight-EmissionApplications,Light: Science & Applications9, (2000) 114.

[28] L. Zhang, H. Li, C. Q.Sun, G. Ouyang*, StrainEngineering of theLatticeVibrationModes inMonolayerBlackPhosphorus,J. Raman Spectrosc.51,(2020)213-220.

[27] H. M. Hu, Z. Zhang, G. Ouyang*, Transition from Schottky-to-OhmicContacts in 1T VSe2-Based van der WaalsHeterojunctions: Stacking andStrainEffects,Appl.Surf.Sci.517, (2020)146168.

[26] S. L. Tan, J. S. Dong, Y. P. Zhao, G. Ouyang*, TheoreticalAnalysis of theGeometricalEffects ofTilted/Horizontal MoS2/WSe2van der WaalsHeterostructures: Implications forPhotoelectricProperties andEnergyConversion,ACS Appl.Nano Mater.3,(2020)3930-3938.

[25]B. W. Liu#, Z. Zhang#, K. Liao#,..., W. Wang*, G. Ouyang*, L. Wang*,TuningOptical properties ofMonolayer MoS2through the 0D/2DInterfacialEffect with C60Nanoparticles,Appl.Surf.Sci.523,(2000)146371.

[24]J. S. Dong, Y. P. Zhao, G. Ouyang*,TheEffect ofAlloying on theBandEngineering ofTwo-DimensionalTransitionMetalDichalcogenides,Physica E105, (2019)90-96.

[23] H. Li*, G. Ouyang*, NonlocalTransport inSuperconductingHeterostructuresBased on WeylSemimetals,Phys. Rev. B100, (2019) 085410.

[22] L. Zhang, G. Ouyang*, Size-Dependent Thermal Boundary Resistance and Thermal Conductivity in Si/Ge Core-Shell Nanowires,IEEE T. Electron Dev.65,(2018)361-366.

[21] Y. He, G. Ouyang*, Modulation of the Carrier Mobility Enhancement in Si/Ge Core-Shell Nanowires under Different Interface Confinements,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.20, (2018) 3888-3894.

[20] B. Y. Zheng, C. Ma, D. Li, J. Lan, Z. Zhang, X. Sun, W. Zheng, T. Yang, C. Zhu, G. Ouyang, G.Xu, X. Zhu, X. Wang, A. Pan*, Band Alignment Engineering in Two-Dimensional Lateral Heterostructures,J. Am. Chem. Soc.140, (2018) 11193-11197.

[19]Z. Zhang,G. Ouyang*, Band Modulation of Black Phosphorus and Molybdenum Disulfide VanDer Waals Heterojunction: Twist and Electric Field Effects,ACS Appl. Energy Mater.1, (2018) 5675-5684.

[18] Y. He, J. Quan, G. Ouyang*, The Atomistic Origin of Interface Confinement and Enhanced Conversion Efficiency in Si Nanowire Solar Cells,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.18, (2016)7001-7006.

[17] J. Xiao#, G.Ouyang#, P. Liu, C. X. Wang, G. W. Yang*, Reversible Nanodiamond-Carbon Onion Phase Transformations,Nano Lett.14, (2014) 3645-3652.

[16] Y. Y. Cao, G. Ouyang*, C. X. Wang, G. W. Yang*, Physical Mechanism of Surface Roughening of the Radial Ge-Core/Si-Shell Nanowire Heterostructure and Thermodynamic Prediction of Surface Stability of the InAs-Core/GaAs-Shell Nanowire Structure,Nano Lett.13,(2013) 436-443.

[15] Z. M. Zhu, G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang, The Interface Effect on the Band Offset of Semiconductor Nanocrystals with Type-I Core–Shell Structure,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.15, (2013) 5472-5476.

[14] A. Zhang, S. Luo, G. Ouyang*, G. W. Yang, Strain-Induced Optical Absorption Properties of Semiconductor Nanocrystals,J. Chem. Phys.138, (2013) 244702.

[13] G.Ouyang, G. W.Yang, ZnO Hollow Quantum Dot: A Promising Deep-UV Light Emitter,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces4, (2012) 210-213.

[12] G. Ouyang, G. W.Yang, G. H.Zhou, A Comprehensive Understanding of Melting Temperature of Nanowire, Nanotube and Bulk Counterpart,Nanoscale4,(2012) 2748-2753.

[11] A. Zhang, Z. M. Zhu, Y. He, G. Ouyang*, Structure Stabilities and Transitions in Polyhedral Metal Nanocrystals: An Atomic-Bond-Relaxation Approach,Appl. Phys. Lett.100,(2012) 171912.

[10] Z. M. Zhu, A. Zhang, G. Ouyang*, G. W.Yang, Edge Effect on Band Gap Shift in Si Nanowires with Polygonal Cross-Sections,Appl. Phys. Lett.98, (2011)263112.

[9] G. Ouyang, W. Zhu, C. Sun, Z. M. Zhu, S. Liao, Atomistic Origin of Lattice Strain on Stiffness of Nanoparticles,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.12, (2010) 1543-1549.

[8] G. Ouyang, C. X. Wang, G. W. Yang*, Surface Energy of Nanostructural Materials with Negative Curvature and Related Size Effects,Chem.Rev.109,(2009) 4221–4247.

[7] G. Ouyang, G. W.Yang, C. Sun, W. Zhu, Nanoporous Structures: Smaller is Stronger,Small4, (2008) 1359.

[6] G. Ouyang, X. Li, G. W. Yang, Superheating and Melting of Nanocavities,Appl.Phys.Lett.92, (2008) 051902.

[5] G.Ouyang, X. Li, G. W. Yang, Sink-Effect of Nanocavities: Thermodynamics and Kinetic Approach,Appl.Phys.Lett.91, (2007) 051901.

[4] G. Ouyang, X. Li, X. Tan, G. W.Yang, Anomalous Young’s Modulus of A Nanotube,Phys.Rev.B76, (2007) 193406.

[3]G.Ouyang, X. L. Li,X.Tan, G. W.Yang, Size-InducedStrain andStiffness ofNanocrystals,Appl.Phys.Lett.89, (2006) 031904.

[2] G.Ouyang,L. H.Liang,C. X.Wang, G. W. Yang, Size-DependentInterfaceEnergy,Appl.Phys.Lett.88, (2006) 091914.

[1] G.Ouyang,X.Tan, G. W.Yang, ThermodynamicModel of theSurfaceEnergy ofNanocrystals,Phys.Rev.B74, (2006) 195408.

Book Chapters:

[1] G. Ouyang, G. W.Yang, Nanocavity: A Novel Functional Nanostructural Unit,Nanoporous Materials: Types, Properties and Uses, Edited by S. B. Jenkins, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York, 2010, p. 163-189.

[2] G. Ouyang, G. W. Yang, Nanothermodynamics,Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, Edited by H. S. Nalwa, American Scientific Publishers, New York, 2011, p.317-358.

[3]. L. K. Pan, M. X. Gu, G. Ouyang, C. Q. Sun,Behind the Quantum and Size Effects: Broken-Bond-Induced Local Strain and Skin-Depth Densified Quantum Trapping of Charge and Energy,Size Effects in Metals, Semiconductors and Inorganic Compounds, Edited byGrégory Guisbiers andDibyendu Ganguli,Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2010, p. 17-45.


[1] 湖南省121创新人才培养工程第一层次人选(2019年)

[2] 广东省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖(第六完成人,2016年)

[3] 国家自然科学奖二等奖(第三完成人,2011年)

[4] 湖南省杰出青年基金获得者(2011年)

[5] 广东省科学技术奖(自然科学类)一等奖(第三完成人,2009年)

[6] 全国优秀博士论文提名(2009年)

[7] 指导4名研究生获湖南省优秀硕士论文奖

[8] 第十三届湖南省高等教育教学成果奖三等奖(研究生类)(第一完成人, 2022年)

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