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量子论坛:Yes, Black Holes Exist in Gravitational Theories with Unbounded Speeds of Propagation



报告题目:Yes, Black Holes Exist in Gravitational Theories with Unbounded Speeds of Propagation

报告人:Anzhong Wang,美国Baylor大学终身教授,引力、宇宙学和天体粒子物理研究中心主任



报告摘要:Gravitational theories with broken Lorentz invariance (LI) have attracted a great deal of interest recently, as they provide a test bed of LI and more importantly offer a mechanism to improve the ultraviolet behavior of the theories, so that they may be renormalizable and unitary. However, in such theories particles can travel with arbitrary speeds, and black holes may not exist at all. In contrast to this intuition, it has been found that an absolute horizon indeed exists, which traps signals even with infinitely large velocities. In this talk, I shall give an updated review of the topic, and pay particular attention on the thermodynamics of such black holes and their formation from gravitational collapse.

报告人简介:王安忠教授一直在黑洞、引力塌缩、引力辐射、等级问题、超弦和M理论的膜世界绘景、暗能量、量子引力理论等领域开展研究工作,特别是在Horava量子引力领域达到了国际领先水平。 在国际学术杂志上发表170余篇学术论文,被他人引用四千余次。长期致力于研究生的培养工作,已指导20余名博士后、研究生出站、毕业。现为四个国际学术刊物编委、以及二十几个国际学术刊物、基金会的项目评审专家。