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(Detection dependent six-photon Holland-Burnett state interference)

报告人:金锐博 武汉工程大学特聘教授,日本东北大学博士

报告时间:2017年4月28日上午 10:00



NOON态,与其在实验上的近似态(Holland-Burnett态,简称HB态)在量子光学中有很重要的应用。之前所有的HB态干涉实验只研究了延迟时间为零附近的一小段干涉条纹,而干涉条纹的整体分布情况(如包络线等)被人们忽略了。在本报告中,我们在理论和实验上研究了6光子HB态干涉条纹的整体分布。我们发现干涉条纹的形状、相干时间、干涉度等特性非常依赖探测方案的选取,不同的探测方案会得到不同的干涉条纹。本研究成果不仅有助于人们深刻理解量子干涉中的多光子行为,也有可能应用到量子成像或者量子测量中。(The NOON state, and its experimental approximation the Holland-Burnett state, have important applications in phase sensing measurement with enhanced sensitivity. However, most of the previous Holland-Burnett state interference (HBSI) experiments only investigated the area of the interference pattern in the region immediately around zero optical path length difference, while the full HBSI pattern over a wide range of optical path length differences has not yet been well explored. In this work, we experimentally and theoretically demonstrate up to six-photon HBSI and study the properties of the interference patterns over a wide range of optical path length differences. It was found that the shape, the coherence time and the visibility of the interference patterns were strongly dependent on the detection schemes. This work paves the way for applications which are based on the envelope of the HBSI pattern, such as quantum spectroscopy and quantum metrology.)


金锐博,博士,武汉工程大学特聘教授。2011年于日本东北大学获得博士学位,之后在日本东北大学及日本国立信息与通信研究院(NICT)从事博士后工作。曾获日本文部省奖学金及NICT“优秀贡献奖”。长期从事量子光学及量子信息的实验研究,主要工作包括PPKTP晶体的纯态单光子源,纠缠光源的制备,独立光子源的Hong-Ou-Mandel干涉,多光子NOON态干涉等。 在Sci. Rep., Opt. Express, Phys. Rev. Appl., Phys. Rev. A, Chin. Phys. Lett.等国内外著名期刊发表文章30余篇, 担任Scientific Reports期刊编委。