包小军 副教授



主要从事新元素和新核素产生机制和衰变性质的理论研究,目前担任中国核学会理事、中国核学会射线束技术分会理事和湖南省核学会常务理事。2022年获得湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目资助,2018年入选湖南省青年骨干教师培养计划。在国内外核物理权威期刊Phys.Lett.B、Phys.Rev.C等上发表SCI研究论文60余篇,H因子22。担任包括Nature Communications、Physics Letters B等在内的10余种权威期刊的审稿专家。













1.湖南省杰出青年科学基金,批准号:2022JJ10031,2022.01.01--2024.12.31, 在研,主持。

2.国家自然科学基金面上项目,批准号:12175064,2022.01.01--2025.12.31, 在研,主持。

3.国家自然科学基金联合重点项目,批准号:U2167203,2022.01.01--2025.12.31, 在研,子课题负责人。






28. S.H.Zhu,X. J. Bao*, Possibility to synthesize Z = 120 superheavy nuclei with Z > 20 projectiles,Phys.Rev.C,108, 014604 (2023).

27.G. J. Li, X. J. Bao*,Theoretical calculations for the capture cross section of the formation of heavy and superheavy nuclei,Phys.Rev.C,107,024611 (2023).

26. Tian Liang Zhao, X. J. Bao, and Hong Fei Zhang*, Exploring the optimal way to produce Z = 100–106 neutron-rich nuclei,Phys.Rev.C,108, 024602 (2023) .

25. Dong-ying Huo, Zheng Wei*, Kang Wu, Chao Han, Ya-ning Han, Yi-xuan Wang, Peng-qi Zhang, Yuan He, X. J. Bao, Zhi-yong Deng, and Ze-en Yao, Effect of octupole deformation of fragments on mass-asymmetric yields of fission of actinide nuclei, Phys.Rev.C,108,024608 (2023) .

24.X. J. Bao,Optimal condition for the production of heavy and superheavy neutron-rich isotopes with multinucleon transfer reaction,Phys.Lett.B 833,137307(2022).

23. X. J. Bao, S. Q. Guo, P. H. Chen, Production of new neutron-rich isotopes with 92 _ Z _ 100 in multinucleon transfer reactions, Phys.Rev.C,105,024610 (2022).

22. L. Ma , H. B. Yang, Z. Y. Zhang*, J. C. Pei, M. H. Huang, M. M. Zhang, C. Y. Qiao, X. J. Bao, Y. L. Tian, C. L. Yang, Y. S. Wang, Z. Zhao, X. Y. Huang, S. Y. Xu, W. X. Huang, Z. Liu, X. H. Zhou, and Z. G. Gan, Attempts to produce new americium isotopes near N = 126, Phys.Rev.C, 106,034316 (2022)(实验与理论合作的文章) .

21.X. J. Bao,Possibilities for synthesis of new transfermium isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions, Phys. Rev. C, 104, 034604 (2021) .

20.Z. Cheng,X. J. Bao*,Influence of entrance channel on multinucleon transfer cross sections,Phys.Rev.C,103,064613(2021) .

19. Z. Cheng,X. J. Bao*,Formation of heavy neutron-rich nuclei by48Ca-induced multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,103,024613(2021) .

18. Shuqing Guo,X. J. Bao, and Nan Wang*, Selection of the optimal condition for the production of light neutron-rich isotopes in multinucleon transfer reactions, Phys.Rev.C,103,034613 (2021) .

17.X. J. Bao,Influence of the incident energy of the projectile and of different targets on the production of neutron-rich nuclei ,Phys. Rev. C 102, 064604 (2020).

16.X. J. Bao,Role of neutron excess in the projectile for the production of heavy neutron-rich nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 102, 054613 (2020).

15.X. J. Bao,Possibility to produce293,295,296Og in the reactions 48Ca+ 249,250,251Cf,Phys. Rev. C 100, 011601(Rapid Communications) (2019).

14. Shu Qing Guo,X. J. Bao, Hong Fei Zhang, Jun Qing Li, and Nan Wang*, Effect of dynamical deformation on the production distribution in multinucleon transfer reactions,Phys.Rev.C,100, 054616 (2019) .

13.X. J. Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Influence of neutron excess of projectile on multinucleon transferreactions,Phys. Lett. B 785, 221-225 (2018).

12.X. J. Bao,S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li, Dynamics of complete and incomplete fusion in heavy ion collisions,Phys. Rev. C 97, 024617 (2018).

11. T. L. Zhao,X. J. Bao*,Predictions for decay modes for superheavy nuclei Z = 118–124,Phys.Rev.C,98,064307(2018).

10.Long Zhu, Pei-Wei Wen*, Cheng-Jian Lin,X. J. Bao, Jun Su, Cheng Li, and Chen-Chen Guo, Shell effects in a multinucleon transfer process, Phys.Rev.C,97,044614 (2018).

9. Zhishuai Ge, Cheng Li, Jingjing Li, Gen Zhang, Bing Li, Xinxin Xu, Cheikh A. T. Sokhna,X. J. Bao, Hongfei Zhang, Yu. S. Tsyganov, and Feng-Shou Zhang*, Effect of shell corrections on the α-decay properties of 280–305Fl isotopes , Phys.Rev.C,98,034312 (2018) .

8.X. J. Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Influence of entrance channel on production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 96, 024610 (2017).

7.X. J .Bao, S Q Guo, H F Zhang, J Q Li,Theoretical predictions for the decay chain of the nuclei 293,295–297Og,Phys. Rev. C 95, 034323 (2017).

6.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. ZhangPossibilities for synthesis of new isotopes of superheavy nuclei in cold fusion reactions,Phys. Rev. C 93, 044615 (2016).

5.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Influence of the nuclear dynamical deformation on production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 91,011603(Rapid Communications) (2015).

4.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Theoretical study of the synthesis of superheavy nuclei using radioactive beams,Phys. Rev. C 91, 064612 (2015).

3.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Influence of nuclear basic data on the calculation of production cross sections of superheavy nuclei,Phys. Rev. C 92, 014601 (2015).

2.X. J. Bao, Y. Gao, J. Q. Li, H. F. Zhang Isotopic dependence of superheavy nuclear production in hot fusion reactions,Phys. Rev. C 92, 034612 (2015).

1.X. J. Bao, Hai Fei Zhang, Jian Min Dong, Jun Qing Li, and Hong Fei Zhang, Competition betweenαdecay and cluster radioactivity for superheavy nuclei with a universal decay-law formula,Phys. Rev. C 89, 067301 (2014).





(2).2018年获得英国物理学会高被引论文奖“Top 1%高被引(2015-2017)”。






