罗美兰 副教授



罗美兰,女,光学博士,硕士研究生导师。2017年6月博士毕业于浙江大学物理系光学专业,2017年7月进入华体会体育官方入口。2021年4月至2023年4月在东芬兰大学从事博士后研究。主要从事相干光学的理论研究,主要研究方向:光场调控与传输、电磁相干与偏振以及相干测量。以第一作者和通讯作者在Optics Letters Optics Express、 Physics Letters A、Optics communications等本领域权威SCI期刊上发表论文十余篇。主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,湖南省自然科学基金青年项目。现担任包括Optics Letters Optics Express、Journal of the Optical Society of America A等期刊的审稿人。




1. 新型光场的构建与传输特性研究

2. 矢量光束的相干和偏振特性表征





1. 主持国家自然科学基金青年项目,具有特殊关联结构的部分相干涡旋光束的传输特性研究,No. 61805080,2019/01-2021/12;

2. 主持湖南省自然科学基金青年项目,部分相干涡旋光束在4f光学系统中的传输特性研究,No. 2019JJ50366,2019/01-2021/12;


1. Meilan Luo*, Jyrki Laatikainen, Ari T. Friberg, Olga Korotkova, and Tero Setälä, Singular-value decomposition and electromagnetic coherence of optical beams, Opt. Lett.47, 5337 (2022).

2. Meilan Luo, Matias Koivurova*, Marco Ornigotti, and Chaoliang Ding, Turbulence-resistant self-focusing vortex beams, New J. Phys.24, 093036 (2022)

3. Meilan Luo*, Matias Koivurova, and Jari Turunen, Azimuthally periodic and radially quasi-periodic Bessel-correlated fields, Opt. Express30, 11754 (2022).

4. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao,Twisted anisotropic electromagnetic beams with Laguerre Gaussian-Schell model correlation, Opt. Express28, 31360 (2020).

5. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Elliptical Laguerre Gaussian Schell-model beams with a twist in random media, Opt. Express27, 30044 (2019).

6. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Determining the topological charge of stochastic electromagnetic vortex beams with the degree of cross-polarization, Opt. Lett.39, 5070 (2014).

7. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Characterizing the polarization and cross-polarization of electromagnetic vortex pulses in the space-time and space-frequency domain, Opt. Express23, 4153(2015).

8. Meilan Luo, Zhaohui Zhang, Donghui Shen, and Daomu Zhao, Orbital angular momentum of the vortex beams through a tilted lens, Opt. Commun.396, 206 (2017).

9. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Two-color correlation between intensity fluctuations in atmospheric turbulence, Phys. Lett. A380, 25 (2016).

10. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Correlation between intensity fluctuations of polychromatic beams generated by quasi-homogeneous sources and the scaling law, Opt. Commun.381, 433 (2016).

11. Meilan Luo, Weiting Zhu, and Daomu Zhao, Ghost imaging and its visibility with partially coherent elliptical Gaussian Schell-model beams, Phys. Lett. A379, 2789 (2015).

12. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Propagation of electromagnetic spectral Gaussian Schell-model beams in atmosphere, Opt. Commun.336, 98 (2015).

13. Meilan Luo and Daomu Zhao, Changes in the polarization and coherence of a stochastic electromagnetic vortex beam propagating through a misaligned optical system with aperture, Opt. Commun.328, 57 (2014).

14. Meilan Luo,Qi Chen, Limin Hua, and Daomu Zhao, Propagation of stochastic electromagnetic vortex beams through the turbulent biological tissues, Phys. Lett. A378, 308 (2014).

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